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Got Milk (Punch)?

Rocks glass on marble table filled with ice, leaf garnish and milk punch cocktail being held in hand

The milk punch cocktail has a rich and intriguing history that dates back centuries. The origins of this delightful libation can be traced to 17th-century India, where it was first concocted as a medicinal tonic. Its popularity quickly spread to the western world, finding its way into the social and cultural fabric of Europe and America, thanks in part to Benjamin Franklin. In 1763, Franklin wrote a letter to James Bowdoin II, the colonial politician for whom the college in Maine is named. Enclosed was a recipe for milk punch where brandy, citrus juice, water, and sugar were to be combined with boiling milk, then strained of the milk’s solid which could then be stored indefinitely at room temperature.

Over time, milk punch has evolved into a beloved cocktail to be enjoyed by people from all walks of life. Bartenders and mixologists around the world have put their own unique spin on the classic recipe, resulting in a wide variety of delicious variations ranging from creamy to clarified. Creamy milk punches are prevalent throughout the American South whereas clarified milk punch is the so-called English style of the drink. The clarified style is created by curdling the milk, This binds certain particles in the punch, which are then strained away, leaving a translucent liquid.

As one can imagine making milk punch is an art form in itself, requiring a delicate balance of flavors and ingredients. The traditional recipe typically calls for a combination of spirits, milk, sugar, and a touch of spice. If you're opting for the creamy version, simply add your ingredients and ice into a cocktail shaker, shake for a good twenty seconds and strain into an iced filled rocks glass, garnish and serve. If you're up to the clarified version you'll need a little prep time. And a little patience as the process can take a few hours to completed. Start by gathering your ingredients - some kind of milk, a base spirit (brandy or rum are good choices) and an acid such as lemon juice. You'll also need to find yourself two bowls, a mesh strainer and some cheese cloth. Start adding your spirits, milk along and acid into one of the bowls. You'll then notice that the milk will start to break and begin to curdle. After the solids have fallen to the bottom of the bowl you can begin filtering. Place the strainer onto the second bowl and line it with the cheese cloth. Slowly pour the contents through the cheese cloth until you've filtered the entire batch. Pass the solution again through a coffee filter into a bottle, close it and find a home for it in your bar.

Milk punch has stood the test of time, captivating the palates of generations with its creamy texture and irresistible taste. Whether enjoyed during a leisurely afternoon or as a nightcap to end the day, this classic libation continues to bring joy and delight to those who partake in its timeless allure. So why not try your hand at crafting this timeless concoction and experience the magic for yourself?


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