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The Skinny on Fat Washing

Four slices of cooked bacon sizzling in its fat

Fat washing is a technique used by mixologists to infuse alcohol with flavorful fats. This process involves combining a spirit with a fat source, such as bacon, butter, or coconut oil, and allowing the flavors to meld together. Once the fat and alcohol have been combined, they are typically chilled and then separated, resulting in a uniquely flavored spirit.

Choosing Your Fat

The first step in fat washing is selecting the right fat to infuse the spirit with. Different fats will impart different flavors to the alcohol, so it's important to choose a fat that will complement the spirit you’re working with. For example, bacon fat can add a smoky and savory flavor to whiskey, while coconut oil can impart a rich and tropical note to rum.

The Process

To fat wash alcohol, start by melting the chosen fat and combining it with the spirit in a container. Allow the mixture to sit at room temperature for a period of time, typically a few hours to overnight, to allow the flavors to infuse. Once the fat and alcohol have had time to meld together place the container in a freezer until the fat solidifies. After the fat has solidified, it's time to separate it from the alcohol. This can be done by removing the solid that’s settled at the top of the container and then passing the solution through cheese cloth or a coffee filter into a new container. This will leave you with a spirit that’s been infused with the subtle flavors of the fat.

Fat-Washed Spirits

Fat-washed alcohol can add a unique and flavorful twist to cocktails. The infused spirit can be used in a wide variety of cocktails, from old fashioneds to martinis, adding a depth of flavor that is sure to impress. Try experimenting with different fats and spirits to create your own signature fat-washed cocktails to delight your friends and family.

In summary, fat washing alcohol is a simple yet effective technique for infusing spirits with unique and flavorful notes. By choosing the right fat and following the proper steps, you can create one-of-a-kind spirits that will take your cocktails to the next level. So, why not give fat washing a try and elevate your mixology game?


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